Fraktur Humerus. 6 Fraktur batang humerus Fraktur ini disebabkan oleh trauma langsung yang mengakibatkan fraktur spiral (fraktur yang arah garis patahnya berbentuk spiral yang disebabkan trauma rotasi) Fraktur kolum humerus Fraktur ini dapat terjadi pada kolum antomikum (terletak di bawah kaput humeri) dan kolum sirurgikum (terletak di bawah tuberkulum) 7.
Abb 4 8 Dislozierte Humeruskopf 4 Part Fraktur Mit Head Split Und Download Scientific Diagram from
A humerus fracture is the medical term for a break in the bone of the upper arm The humerus is the long bone that sits between the shoulder and the elbow Humeral fractures can be classified into three types depending on which part of the bone is broken A proximal humerus fracture is when the bone is broken at or near the top by the shoulder .
4FragmentFrakturen des proximalen Humerus Alternative
Fraktur humerus atau yang dikenal juga dengan patah tulang lengan atas [1 2 3 4] Fraktur humerus paling sering terjadi di sepanjang tulang bagian tengah atau di ujung tulang dekat bahu Sangat jarang kondisi ini terjadi di ujung tulang dekat siku [2].
PDF fileProximal Humerus (Upper Arm) Fractures A Guide to Recovery After Surgery wwwrebalancemdcom • 104 3551 Blanshard St Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600 Page 4 April 2015 v1/S Mathes Bleeding that continues even after applying direct pressure for 1015 minutes Incisions that are red puffy hot or leaking fluid more than 48 hrs.
There are three types of humerus fracture depending on the location of the break Proximal A proximal humerus fracture is a break in the upper part of your humerus near your shoulder Midshaft.
Abb 4 8 Dislozierte Humeruskopf 4 Part Fraktur Mit Head Split Und Download Scientific Diagram
Arm Fracture) Humerus Fracture (Upper Johns Hopkins …
Proximal Humerus Bone Fractures Overview Verywell Health
PDF filedistal humerus fxs (type C2 or C3) in women >65yo • Retrospective review of 24 patients • Outcomes – ORIF 4 excellent 4 good 1 fair 3 poor – TEA 11 excellent 1 good • Conclusions TEA is a viable treatment option for distal intra articular humerus fxs in women >65yo • McKee et al COTS Study JSES Surgical Treatment • Lateral decubitus position – Prone positioning.