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kau (informal Sumatra West Kalimantan) engkau kau dikau (poetic).
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Kau Kau Chronicles
One of the foreign crops sweet potato locally known as kaukau has become the key staple of PNG It is now part and parcel of their life There are only very few PNG dishes that doRecipe Instructions Rinse the sweet potatoes then wrap each of them in aluminum foil and place on a plateBake in preheated 400F/200C oven for 1 hour or until cooked throughCut sweet potatoes in two lengthwiseScoop out about ¾ of the sweet potatoes with a spoon into a bowl.
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تم انشاء جامعه الملك عبد العزيز عام 1387 هـ 1967 م و تعتبر من أكبر جامعات المملكه العربيه السعوديه تحتوى على أكثر من 22 كليه و اكثر من 4000 عضو هيئه تدريس كما ان الجامعه حاصله على العديد من الا.