Last Of Us Ui. the last of us starcraft 2 journey destiny dragon age inquisition categories ae analysis ui artificial intelligence ui appearance ui bulletin board ui communication ui cockpit ui contextual interact ui class selection ui control panel ui crafting ui countdown ui database ui diegetic ui dialogue ui decryption ui dashboard.

Post Apocalyptic Photography With The Last Of Us On Ps4 The Verge last of us ui
Post Apocalyptic Photography With The Last Of Us On Ps4 The Verge from Post-apocalyptic photography with 'The Last of Us' on PS4 – The Verge

the last of us starcraft 2 journey destiny dragon age inquisition categories ae analysis ui artificial intelligence ui appearance ui bulletin board ui communication ui cockpit ui contextual interact ui class selection ui control panel ui crafting ui countdown ui database ui diegetic ui dialogue ui decryption ui dashboard.

The Last of Us II Concept Design. UI/UX Design. on Behance

Discover The Last of Us Part II Game UI Interface such as menu quest inventory and all the components of the game.

How Naughty Dog changed The Last of Us' UI in eight months

Original DesignWireframesImplementationIterationFinal Design and Skinningand More Iteration!The Technical IssuesOverview and Next GenThe weapon slotting system that existed when I started was the same one shown in The Last of Us&#39s E3 demo Weapons ammo health and consumables appeared in the top left corner of the screen Right and left on the Dpad would shuffle through all of your weapons up and down went through consumables When this system was implemented it was assumed that when Joel picked up a new weapon he would drop the one he was currently holding (just like in Uncharted) After testing out this system the game design team decided that it would make more sense for Joel to keep all of the weapons he finds This would allow the player to choose the weapon they felt was best for any given encounter giving them more control over how they played the game It also opened the door for a weapon upgrading system We started to design alternatives to the implemented system based on these updated design requirements I created the basic wireframes in Photoshop When I designed the wireframes I didn&#39t bother focusing on how things would look Instead I focused on how it would feel and function If you can get something to feel right then you can dress it up however you want later The main thing that you generally hear people complain about with UI is not how it looks but that there&#39s too much cluttering the screen and/or that it feels clunky to use Many of the early mockups showed a menu system where the player could swap weapons out and also upgrade them I initially wanted these systems to appear together on the same screen My reasoning for this is that when additions like upgrades are designated to their own screen I have a tendency to ignore them until I absolutely have to use them In many games I&#39ll hit an encounter die a hundred times and think to myself “what am I doing wrong?” then I&#39ll go on the internet and realize I haven&#39t been upgrading my weapons This is generally becau After weeks of back and forth on various Photoshop mockups we tried implementing the following system Left and right on the dpad would swap between the guns the player had slotted These would appear along with the health circle at the bottom of the screen The player could select which guns they wanted in these slots within the weapon slotting menu This was a part of the select menus along with crafting collectibles and upgrades We placed it here because we wanted “swapping” guns to have the same feeling that crafting did In real life a person would have to take their backpack off and rifle through it to get what they needed In a combat situation this would cause high tension which is what we were aiming for in order to make the game feel believable When in that menu left and right on the dpad would select the slot you wanted to change and then you&#39d use the left analog stick to navigate to the gun you wanted to slot in The inner ring showed all short guns the oute After testing that version for a bit we switched to a list version The inner outer ring thing felt clunky and slow which was exactly what we didn&#39t want In this version you can see that we brought upgrades back into the same menu as swapping Pressing triangle would bring up a submenu to upgrade that weapon We ended up scrapping this idea too The main issue with this system is that it would be fine if any time you wanted to swap your gun you were safely hidden out of enemy sight and had all the time in the world to perform these actions However in testing it very quickly became clear that more often than not you&#39re swapping your gun while in combat For example you&#39d be in the middle of some crazy encounter full of clickers you&#39d use all your ammo and would have to quickly get into the menus switch guns and then get back out Having to actually go into the select menus for that was very cumbersome It was frustrating to play and rarely felt smooth It often felt awkward The final design would require separating upgrades completely from weapon slotting but I was fine with this because it wasn&#39t worth keeping them together if it meant compromising how it felt to play the game Once we pulled upgrades out and made it a simple left right and hold x to reslot we were faced with the issue of what to do with upgrades Initially upgrades just stayed in the select menu They were on their own screen and you&#39d get a little exclamation point next to the icon at the top when you had enough parts to upgrade something The problem with this was twofold First it didn&#39t solve the initial problem I had with upgrade menus being hidden away in screens that you&#39re not being prompted to use frequently Second some people would just get the first upgrade possible instead of saving their parts for bigger and better upgrades Testers were often just upgrading the same handful of guns that were cheap to upgrade The game designers came up with a solution to both of these problems in the form of the upgrade benches These benches were specific points in the world where you could upgrade your weapons Players would be gathering parts aware that they were getting something but not sure how much they had or even what they could do with those parts until they reached the benches At each bench players could then take the time to look through all of their options plan for when they&#39d come across a new bench and experiment with upgrading This resulted in a more varied play style People upgraded the weapons they enjoyed using the most not just the one with the cheapest upgrade costs Also very few people ran right past the benches most people took the time and actually used the system So both problems were solved and everyone was happy The technical pipeline was its own challenge in itself All of our UI in TLOU was controlled through script We didn&#39t have a visual system in place like Scaleform Unity or UDK where artists could go in place assets visually and then hand that off to the programmer/scripter In our system I would separate the individual elements put them into our internal texture tool and then get them into a big universal Maya HUD file After that Paul would set everything up and then give me hooks in a script file where I could move elements around on the screen by changing X and Y coordinates Once everything was set up I could swap out assets by simply changing them in the texture tool and in the Maya file or changing the texture path being referenced in script Any animated transitions were hardcoded I would give either flash mockups of how I wanted things to work or I&#39d talk it through with Paul or other programmers until we got something close Because of this restriction nice sm That&#39s an overview of just one of the UI elements from when I started it to completion We primarily used the same system for all the other elements Wireframe implement test iterate and skin While programming was working on implementation of one element I would move on to some other element either coming up with new wireframes based on test results or moving things around once they had already been implemented Using this system we were able to quickly and efficiently power through all UI elements and menus of the game Moving forward into the next generation of consoles we&#39re still using the pipeline that we established during those final months of The Last of Us We should now have a lot more time to iterate try new things and experiment with better tools but the basic system of quick prototyping worked for us We&#39ll improve on that with a full development cycle which will help us to be able to really push concepts and experiment with finding the best way to give the.

Settings UI – The Last of Us – INTERFACE LOVE.

Today I&#39m looking at another game&#39s UI this time TLOU2 In general the game is VERY well crafted a true masterpiece but I think two parts of the user in Video Duration 4 minViews 1131Author Malewicz.

Post Apocalyptic Photography With The Last Of Us On Ps4 The Verge

Main Menu UI – The Last of Us – INTERFACE LOVE.

The Last of Us's Interface Work So Well How We Made

The Last of Us part II UI review YouTube

The Last of Us Part II Interface In Game Video game UI

The Last of Us II Concept Design UI/UX Design Дизайн сайта на тему выхода игры The Last of Us 2.