Line Item Definition. line item definition 1 a single part of a financial statement especially one giving details of the accounts of a Learn more.
Line Items D365 Demystified from D365 Demystified
Definition of line item an appropriation that is itemized on a separate line in a budget Other Words from line item Example Sentences Learn More About line item.
Line item definition of line item by The Free Dictionary
Noun 1 line item an item in an appropriation bill “Some governors can veto line items in their state budgets” item point a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list “he noticed an item in the New York Times” “she had several items on her shopping list” “the main point on the agenda was taken up first”.
Line Items D365 Demystified
Line item Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
Cambridge English Dictionary LINE ITEM meaning in the
Best 6 Definitions of Lineitem Lineitem Meaning
The definition of a line item is an item listed in a budget An example of a line item is the cost of electricity in a budget noun 0 0 A specific item esp an amount listed separately in a budget appropriation bill etc noun 0 0.