Pro Omnibus Law. Lawmakers from Vermont’s more rural districts are introducing a bill that would among other things ease Act 250 restrictions around the forest products industry H581 “An act relating to rural economic development” is an omnibus bill crafted by the House Rural Caucus using work done by.
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Istilah omnibus law di Indonesia pertama kali akrab di telinga setelah pidato pelantikan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Oktober 2019 lalu Omnibus law ini sejatinya lebih banyak kaitannya dalam bidang kerja pemerintah di bidang ekonomi Yang paling sering jadi polemik yakni ombinibus law di sektor ketenagakerjaan yakni UU Cipta Lapangan kerja Sebagaimana.
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Canadian Senate passes bill that could cause prolife
CLC is asking all prolife Canadians to sign and share the petition with friends and family RELATED Canadian prolife and medical freedom protestors could face 10 years in jail under proposed bill.
Breaking The Supreme Court Of The United States Strikes Down Pro Life Omnibus Law Texas Right To Life
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Rural caucus unveils omnibus bill to help forest industry
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