Sigma W. 随机游走过程 S t S_t S t 遵循几何布朗运动,满足微分方程: d S t = u S t d t + σ S t d W t dS_t=uS_tdt+\sigma S_tdW_t d S t = u S t d t + σ S t d W t d S t / S t = u d t + σ d W t dS_t/S_t=udt+\sigma dW_t d S t / S t = u d t + σ d W t 设定初试状态S0,根据伊藤积分,可以解出: S t = S 0 e x p ( ( u −.
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where is the benchmark return and is the covariance matrix of assets in an index While creating an index fund could involve holding all investable assets in the index it is sometimes better practice to only invest in a subset of the assets These considerations lead to the following mixedinteger quadratic programming (MIQP) problem.