Varanus Monitor. Der Komodowaran (KomodoWaran) oder Komododrache (Varanus komodoensis) ist eine Echse aus der Gattung der Warane (Varanus) deren Verbreitungsgebiet auf einige der Kleinen Sundainseln von Indonesien beschränkt ist Mit einer Körperlänge von maximal drei Metern und einem Gewicht von über 70 kg ist er einer der größten rezenten Vertreter der Schuppenkriechtiere.
Rock Monitor Wikipedia from
(Varanus komodoensis) also known as the Komodo monitor a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo Rinca Flores Komodo dragon The biggest lizard species alive on our planet is the massive Komodo dragon A mouth filled with millions of killergerms this is the ultimate Enigmatic dragon Dragon statue with fire background Fly fire dragon Isolated on.
Komodo dragon Venom, Size, Bite, & Facts Britannica
The savannah monitor (Varanus (Polydaedalaus) exanthematicus) is a mediumsized species of monitor lizard native to AfricaThe species is known as Bosc’s monitor in Europe since French scientist Louis Bosc first described the species It belongs to the subgenus Polydaedalus.
Savannah monitor Wikipedia
Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection is a game in the Zoo Tycoon franchise and was released for both Windows OS and the Xbox One console on October 31 2017 The game is an updated version of the Xbox version of Zoo Tycoon including all of the content and animals from the previous release as well as introducing a variety of new animal species chiefly from South.
Varanus komodoensis Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
The Asian water monitor (Varanus salvator) is a large varanid lizard native to South and Southeast AsiaIt is one of the most common monitor lizards in Asia ranging from coastal northeast India Sri Lanka mainland Southeast Asia to Indonesian islands where it lives close to water It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List It was described by Laurenti in 1768.
Rock Monitor Wikipedia
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection Zoo Tycoon Wiki
El dragón de Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) también llamado monstruo de Komodo y varano de Komodo es una especie de saurópsido de la familia de los varánidos endémico de algunas islas de Indonesia central [2] Es el lagarto de mayor tamaño del mundo con una longitud media de dos a tres metros y un peso de unos 70 kg [3] A consecuencia de su tamaño son los.