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MyPertamina on the App Store
ID ID EN PERTANYAAN UMUM 1 Apa itu MyPertamina? MyPertamina hadir sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada seluruh pelanggan setia produk PT Pertamina (Persero) yang bekerja sama dengan LinkAja! dalam mendukung sistem pembayaran agar mempermudah pelanggan saat bertransaksi MyPertamina adalah aplikasi yang mudah diakses dengan banyak keuntungan.
Home News MyPertamina
Mypertamina is a convenient way to find nearby Pertamina gas station pay gas at Pertamina gas station with digital payment (Linkaja) and get the loyalty point at the same time also tracking system for gasoline monthly spending With myPertamina you can find our newest information like promotion for Pertamina Fuels Bright Gas Pertamina Lubricants and other products and.
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MyPertamina Home News
Apps on Google Play My Pertamina
MyPertamina is a digital financial service platform from Pertamina that integrated with the apps LinkAja This application is used for noncash fuel oil payments at Pertamina’s public fueling stations History Originally MyPertamina were merchandise outlets of Pertamina products It was launched in December 21 2016 with 3 outlets in Jakarta.